The “Standard Poodle” was created specially for children. – Unknown
Please read until you see the ROSE at the bottom of the page, to be sure you have seen it all.
At Family Affair Standards, we’ve had nothing but success stories concerning shipping our puppies. Even in cases of delays, rerouting etc., our babies have arrived fed, watered and for the most part clean and happy.
The puppy buyer is responsible for all charges associated with shipping the puppy. These charges range between $575.00 and $725.00 depending on the airline, destination, and the age and size of your puppy. Shipping charges to Canada and other Countries maybe higher than these normal charges. They will be determined on a case by case basis. These charges include airfare, travel crate, vet check, health certificate, and trip charge. We provide you with an large crate that you will be able to use for several months to come for you to house and help potty train your new puppy.
All flights originate from Raleigh/Durham International Airport (RDU). Some International Flights may have to depart via Dulles in Washington, D.C. or through Charlotte, N.C. All airlines fly the puppies in the cargo area having access to the same climate controlled air the passengers have. United is our airline of preference. They have no temperature restrictions because it picks up puppies from the tarmac as soon as the flight lands, in a climate controlled designated transport cart. This cart delivers puppies without delays or stops from one flight to the other or to their final pick up destination. United only ships thorough certain hubs because they also provide puppy runs and release areas for any connection or delay over 3 hours. Those hubs are Newark, Houston, Denver and Chicago. Other airlines have stops on the tarmac to drop off luggage, freight, etc. For that reason they do have temperature restrictions of 40-degrees and below in the winter and in the summer temperature restrictions begin at 80-degrees. The same temperature limitations applies to any stop in the puppy’s itinerary, including the destination. These temperature limits are designed for the safety and comfort of the puppy while on the tarmac. When United is not available we use Delta or American with whom we have also had great success.
The flight is normally easier on the puppy than on the expecting parents. We do not tranquilize our puppies!!! To make the puppy as comfortable and relaxed as possible their crate is lined with paper for absorbency and filled with shredded paper for security and comfort. Inside the crate is a food and water dish in case it is needed in route. Attached to the top of the crate is a bag of our preferred brand of puppy kibble. We do this mostly so the buyer can use this food until they can purchase a bag of our preferred brand of food Purina Pro Plan All Stages Sport or gradually switch the puppy over to a food of your choice. It is also there in case of a delay or lay over of 3 hours or more or if it has been 12 hours since the puppy was last fed. Due to recent airline restrictions bottled water is no longer allowed to be shipped with the puppy.
We only ship on Thursdays. We will make the flight arrangements and will need the name and address of the person picking up the puppy from the airport if different than the buyer. Before a puppy is shipped the buyer will be emailed a detailed flight itinerary with an airway bill and confirmation number. The buyer will need these numbers and picture identification to pick up the puppy. The area that the puppy is picked up at the buyer’s airport will differ according to arrival times, size of airport, etc. In the itinerary there will be the pick up the address for the airline’s cargo facility or a note of where to pick up the puppy inside the terminal. Included on this page are some letters and pictures from families of some of our babies that have been shipped.
We provide a service of meeting new puppy buyers at the Raleigh/Durham Airport if it is decided that you would rather fly in, pick up the puppy and fly back home on the same day. The puppy does have to be 8 weeks old but no older than 12 weeks and will fit in a soft sided pet carrier under the seat. Most airlines do not require a health certificate or other documentation for puppies flying in the passenger cabin but please check with your airline of choice. This is provided for $100.00. If a health certificate is required for the airline you choose, that charge will be an additional $50.00. We also offer a “Flight Nanny” service. Where we will flu to you with the puppy in cabin. The pricing for this service will vary based on airfare pricing. There is a $250 additional fee for this service.
We also provide a personal delivery service also. Our puppies generally delivered anywhere within a 400 mile radius from our location. Our normal rate is $50.00 per hour, round trip. Shipping a puppy runs between $575.00 and $725 (exact pricing below) but some people are just not comfortable with shipping their puppy on a plane. Each of us, as well as our husbands, love to travel and we love meeting our future Family Affair Standard Poodle families in person.
The price reflects the age of the puppy on the day it ships:
8 to 12 Weeks Old – $575
13 to 17 Weeks Old – $625
18 to 22 Weeks Old – $725
23 to 27 Weeks Old – $725
28 Weeks and Over – $900+
Our puppies have been hand delivered as far North as Buffalo, NY., as far South as Miami, Fl., as far West as Wyoming and as far South West as Dallas, TX. We can deliver anywhere in the US if we have enough puppies going in that general direction to cover the cost for a motel or campground and other expenses. We have modified a room in our camper into a transport area that is climate controlled and provides a safe, comfortable place for us to haul multiple puppies at once. This is a service we provide. Even if we have 2 puppies getting off at the same stop the price is the same for each individual owner. If you fly with 20 people on a plane or travel on a bus and get off at the same stop the charge is the same for everyone on board. This service we provide works exactly the same way. We get some perks with our delivery service. We get to see the US and meet some of the most amazing people and the new owners of our Standard Poodle, adults and puppies. If you are interested in us delivering your new Family Affair Standard Poodle puppy to your town or meeting you half way, let us know.
Hi Wendy and Everyone at Family Affair Standards! From the moment “Ron” arrived at the airport he seemed to love his new and forever family! He is most comfortable in his new home and with all of us! He & Gracie are doing well … Gracie most curious and so is he … no problems and getting more comfortable each day! Gracie has been a great Sharer!!!! Ron seems to want all of her things and beds and she just watches him “rearrange”
He loves his crates … so cozy with all new blankets for him! He takes his naps there and has been sleeping longer each night! Enjoy these pics and we will keep you updated as he grows! He is eating well … already on 3 meals/day schedule! He did test positive for giardia so we will get medicine and start today. He is SO active, vocal and playful, so I don’t think he feels sick. All else was well at the 1st Vet appt.
“Hi all!!
Just wanted to thank you for such a beautiful and stinking adorable baby!! He arrived on time last night and looked like a little prince sitting up in his crate being wheeled around the airport. He laid on his back in my lap the whole drive home… too funny! He and Molly are getting along great!
Thanks again!
Audrey Robertson Bowls: We are so grateful to Cindy and David for driving 13 hours to deliver our Tapanga/Gunsmoke 9 week old Willow……she is the love of our life and is adapting to all of her new surroundings. More pics to follow (she’s sleeping now so I have a minute) :0